

Maximizing conversion with Matching Rates

As an Agent, you always want to convince the principal to match the rate and accept
In AllLines, Market Watch provides the current market rates, assisting Agents in convincing the principal
An AI-driven algorithm, offers with the widely acknowledged market rates, enhancing market visibility

Experience unparalleled customer retention

As an agent, you Consistently try to engage with your customers and retain them
Agents publish their trade and accept the offer made from larger number of principals for every enquiry
AllLines provides agents with a wide options to meet each customer’s demand.

Wide sector choices offer maximizing opportunities

As an agent, you are always looking for more sectors, to expand your business in the fluctuating market conditions.
Every principal has their own sector options, and AllLines helps to bring them together
AllLines platform helps identify more principals for each enquiry.

General Business Questions about AllLines

The platform facilitates online agreement between Agent and Principal, as defined by latter

While closing the business, the platform informs both parties (by email) about the stack change.

Agents update monthly shipments, combining that with rate approvals system generates the SOA

To begin with, AllLines will facilitate shipments among 6 countries (Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, Egypt) and gradually will expand across the globe.

AllLines verified feature is activated for KYC validated principals. Users can see the verification mark on the company profile page

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